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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Getting Teeth Whitened Without the Need for Surgery ...................

Better Smiles: Getting Teeth Whitened Without the Need for Surgery              
 dental  -  Dental
 Friday, 25 November 2011 23:57

There are many ways to improve your set of dentures. Dentists use braces to help fix the disorganized teeth of patients. Other people may choose to have weak teeth remove and get them replaced with artificially made dentures instead. Dentists use porcelain veneers Chicago manufactures to fix broken teeth. However, many people just want to have whither teeth. Having teeth whitened does not require surgical operations. There are many ways to whiten teeth without the need to have surgery.

Buying special whitening toothpastes is a popular method to whiten teeth naturally. These products have chemicals that help whiten the teeth and thoroughly clean it as well. These toothpastes have scrubbers that help in cleaning and whitening the teeth aside from the chemicals. Using these products daily help users get a brighter shade on their teeth. However, they do not work like conventional toothpastes that provide fresh breath after every use.Gels and trays that whiten teeth can be purchased in most stores without the need for prescription. The products of teeth whitening Chicago provide the best results for most customers because it is widely available; many people have also made use of these products. Placed over the teeth and left for a few hours to work, the tray has the teeth absorb the chemicals in the gel. The chemicals in the gels prove to be more effective if used overnight. They can brighten teeth two shades brighter if used properly.

Teeth whitening rinses are slowly gaining patrons in the market today. These whitening products have hydrogen peroxide as its active ingredient. This product helps in whitening teeth gradually and providing them fresh breath. If used properly, users will see gradual whitening in a few weeks. However, gel trays are still more effective than these products.

Professional whitening that does not require intensive surgery is the most effective method of teeth whitening. While whitening products may be available out on the market today, professionals can use the products better with their experience. Professionals know the risk involved in using whitening products, and they can warn their clients beforehand about any known side effects the products may have upon application.

Having white and clean teeth help many people gain greater self-esteem and confidence in doing their daily tasks. Without the use of surgery to whiten teeth, they have saved a lot of money too. Indeed, the dental implants Chicago provides are effective, but alternative methods for teeth whitening benefit anybody in more ways than a surgery can.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Black Tea May Help Fight Oral Disease.........

Black Tea May Help Fight Oral Disease. Drinking black tea may help prevent caries and periodontal disease, said researchers at the American Society for Microbiology.

Chemical components in black tea called polyphenols suppressed the growth of caries-causing bacteria in plaque and reduced acid production levels. The polyphenols also inhibited glucosyltransferase (an enzyme produced by bacteria) and prevented the formation of the matrix material that dental plaque uses to adhere to tooth surfaces. Researchers also found that the size and stickiness of dental plaque were reduced because certain bacteria lost their ability to form aggregates with other bacteria when they were exposed to black tea.

Smoking During Pregnancy Increases Risk Of Cleft Lip And Palate

A study on data by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics found that women who smoke during pregnancy are 50 to 78 percent more likely than non-smokers to give birth to babies with cleft lips and palates.

Cleft lips and palates are the fourth most common congenital birth defect and affect about one in 700 newborns.

Mothers who smoke 10 or fewer cigarettes per day increase the risk of their babies' developing cleft lip or palate by 50%. Those who smoked 11 to 20 cigarettes per day increased the risk by 55%. Mothers who smoked more than one pack per day raised the risk by 78%.

These findings reinforce the importance of educating women to not smoke while they are pregnant.

Blood Lead Levels Associated with Dental Caries Children exposed to environmental lead may be more likely to develop caries than children who are not.

The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study that examined the relationship between blood levels and dental caries in more than 24,000 children.

The study revealed that for every 5 micrograms-per-deciliter increase in blood lead levels the rate of caries increased by 80%.

The study helps explain the disproportionately high rate of caries among inner-city children. The researchers conclude that changing diets may not be enough to prevent dental caries to occur. Improving oral hygiene habits and increasing fluoride exposure of inner-city children may be necessary.

Beautiful Back Teeth

Beautiful Back Teeth

Cosmetic dentistry does not just create beautiful smiles and straight, white front teeth. Cosmetic dentistry applies the most recently developed dental materials and methods to minimize damage to tooth structure and to recreate the properties native teeth. New materials have similar physical properties as your natural teeth. They also have the same optical characteristics. Once they are "bonded" - not just cemented! - with the best bonding agents available, they will be invisible. They will look and feel like real teeth, even in the back of your mouth. They can assume the same function as your natural teeth.

Porcelain Crowns

Composite Fillings

porcelain crowns composite fillings
These two molars had extensive decay under the amalgam fillings and had to be restored with crown. We chose Empress crowns. Both amalgam fillings were replaced with tooth-colored composite fillings.

Composite Fillings

composite fillings    
The first molar had a defective amalgam filling that was replaced with a tooth-colored composite filling.    

Composite Fillings & Partial Porcelain Crown

composite fillings, partial porcelain crown
The molar and the bicuspid next to it had defective amalgam fillings. The molar was restored with a partial Empress crown. The bicuspid was restored with a  composite filling.

Extreme Makeover Smile

Everyone talks about extreme makeover and smile makeover these days. It involves the entire face, which evidently includes the jaws and the teeth. Extreme makeover is a term that was created to underline the dramatic changes that can be created with plastic surgery and cosmetic dentistry. An extreme makeover should be a holistic approach that considers the functional aspects of all involved structures.
Anatomy of a smile: the pull of a variety of small,
but very responsive facial muscles.

While all changes to the face have a functional impact, even a minor change within the stomatognathic (chewing) system needs to be based entirely on function. Aesthetics cannot be achieved without function. In fact, any aesthetically pleasing object, except those created in the field of art, evolved within a framework of function and interaction. Beauty is harmony. So, let us talk about how that applies to your teeth and jaws.
What is a smile? We cannot discuss its philosophical and spiritual significance at this point. However, it is important for a plastic surgeon or cosmetic dentist to understand the anatomical, functional, and physiological aspects of a smile.
We have a large group of specialized mimical muscles that contract in certain situations and pull the overlying soft tissues into a smile (see above image). Teeth become exposed. The amount of tooth exposed during a smile varies from patient to patient. A young person displays more tooth surface than an older person. This is caused by two things: the progressive sagging of the upper lip and the attrition (shortening) of the upper incisors.
These signs of aging are the main reasons why many middle-aged individuals decide to 'lift' their smile by lengthening their front teeth with porcelain veneers. They often receive six to ten upper porcelain veneers. However, any dimensional change of the front teeth has to consider stomatognathic function.
The front teeth are vital for the protection of the molars. Front teeth are responsible for the disclosure of the back teeth during horizontal movements of the jaws. Muscles shut off when front teeth are stressed by tooth contact. This natural mechanism protects all oral structures.

This image explains the concept of 'envelope of function'
(blue line). The envelope of function is a key element of
smile design. Ignoring it will cause your new smile to be
unstabil and porcelain restorations to break.

Smile design or smile makeover therefore cannot just focus on aesthetic parameters, but must be created within the 'envelope of function' of the front teeth. When you receive a new smile, it is not just 'painted' into your face. It is integrated in complete functional harmony with the surrounding structures of the skull.
Any master in plastic surgery or cosmetic dentistry fully understands the reason for morphology and aging, such as.''Why does the jaw have an angle?'' or,''Why do eyelids become baggy?'' or,''What do we need to do to rejuvenate a smile?''
Any smile makeover of the teeth has to be based on the physiological relationship of upper and lower jaw. There are many heated discussions regarding the finding of the proper jaw relationship (centric relation) among the dental community. The most predictable results have been obtained by techniques developed by Dr. Peter Dawson in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Your new smile will be permanent and beautiful if all functional aspects were considered.
This image underlines the fact that teeth cannot be altered without consideration of
the relationship of the jaws, which meet at the temporo-mandibular joints. The dental contacts determine the position and relationship of the joints upon closure and need to be in harmony with their physiological position.

The following extreme-makeover smile design is the result of a careful consideration of the relationship of upper and lower jaw. The patient was set into her natural centric relationship prior to raising her bite. This allowed us to create the space necessary to rebuild the worn teeth without changing the most physiological position of the mandibular condyle into the temporal fossa of the skull.
The makeover is truly extreme. However, the final result of this full-mouth reconstruction lead to a much healthier condition of all oral and masticatory structures involved.



Saturday, November 26, 2011

Some of the common Dental Emergencies may be as follows;

Diagnosis Definition Presentation Complications Treatment
Reversible pulpitis Pulpal inflammation Pain with hot, cold, or sweet stimuli Periapical abscess, cellulitis Filling
Irreversible pulpitis Pulpal inflammation Spontaneous, poorly localized pain Periapical abscess, cellulitis RCT, extraction
Abscess Localized bacterial infection Localized pain and swelling Cellulitis I & D and RCT or extraction
Cellulitis Diffuse soft tissue bacterial infection Pain, erythema, and swelling Regional spread Antibiotics and RCT or extraction
Pericoronitis Inflamed gum over partially erupted tooth Pain, erythema, and swelling Cellulitis Irrigation, antibiotics if cellulitis also present
Tooth fracture Broken tooth Clinical examination and radiography Pulpitis and sequelae Fillings, with or without RCT, extraction
Tooth luxation Loose tooth Clinical examination and radiography Aspiration, pulpitis, and sequelae Splinting, with or without RCT, extraction
Tooth avulsion Missing tooth Clinical examination Ankylosis, resorption Reimplantation and splinting

Zoom2 Tooth Whitening

Zoom2 Tooth Whitening

If you're looking for a fast way to dramatically whiten your teeth, Zoom2 Chair side Whitening System may be the answer for you.

In just 45 minutes, this safe and effective system can give you the instant results you've been wanting – an average of eight shades! A specially designed light activates the Zoom! Whitening Gel to gently break down stains on your teeth to put the sparkle back in your smile! Also with the new Zoom2 system, our patients experience up to 67% less sensitivity than with the previous Zoom! system.

Zoom2 Whitening is very safe while under the supervision of a trained dentist, like Dr. Ambert . It is one of the safest procedures in cosmetic dentistry. However, we do not recommend this procedure for pregnant women or children under age 13.

You will be given some post-whitening care instructions after your procedure. It is important to maintain a good oral hygiene regimen post-whitening to preserve your bright, white smile. We also recommend occasional touch-ups with the Zoom! Take-Home Gel. Your smile will always be brighter than it was before the procedure, but by following these simple instructions, you can retain your results for a long time!

Although the Zoom2 System can help almost anyone, it may not be as effective in every case. Dr. Ambert  can determine if tooth whitening is a possible option for your case.

What is Zoom! Tooth Whitening?
Zoom! is a bleaching process that lightens discoloration of enamel and dentin.

What causes tooth discoloration?
There are many causes. The most common include aging and consumption of staining substances such as coffee, tea, colas, tobacco, red wine, etc. During tooth formation, consumption of tetracycline, certain antibiotics or excessive fluoride may also cause tooth discoloration.

Do many people whiten their teeth?
More people than you might imagine. A bright sparkling smile can make a big difference for everyone. The Zoom! Chair side Whitening System makes it easier and faster than ever before.

Is whitening safe?
Yes. Extensive research and clinical studies indicate that whitening under the supervision of a dentist is safe. In fact, many dentists consider whitening the safest cosmetic dental procedure available. As with any tooth whitening product, Zoom! is not recommended for children under 13 years of age and pregnant or lactating women.

How long do the results last?
By following some simple post-whitening care instructions, your teeth will always be lighter than they were before. To keep your teeth looking their best, we recommend flossing, brushing twice daily, regular dental cleanings and occasional touch-ups with Zoom! Take-Home gel. These are professional formula products designed specifically to keep your teeth their brightest. They are available only through your dental professional.

How does the Zoom! in-office system work?
The Zoom! light activated whitening gel's active ingredient is Hydrogen Peroxide. As the Hydrogen Peroxide is broken down, oxygen enters the enamel and dentin, bleaching colored substances while the structure of the tooth is unchanged. The Zoom! light aids in activating the hydrogen peroxide and helps it penetrate the surface of the tooth. A study has shown that use of the Zoom! lamp increases the effectiveness of the Zoom! gel by 33% or more, giving an average improvement of eight shades.
The pola night treatment is a take home do-it-yourself kit to be applied to your teeth in the comfort of your own home.
Steps that we as dentists  and yourself will perform on your teeth:
1.An impression of your teeth is taken by the dentist.

2. A perfectly formed mouthguard tray is made for you to take home with your own kit of pola night.

3. Brush and floss teeth. Take a syringe out of the kit. Remove the cap and insert an application tip by twisting it securely onto the syringe.

4. Place a small drop of gel into every compartment of the tray for the teeth undergoing treatment.

5. Make sure the tray is seated in the mouth.

6. Wipe away excess gel in mouth with finger, tissue or dry soft tooth brush.

Depending on the level of staining on your teeth, and the health of your teeth, we  would have supplied you with Pola Day in either 10%, 16% or 22% carbamide peroxide gel concentrations. This percentage will be marked on the box. Wear the trays in your mouth for the below corresponding times to the percentage of carbamide peroxide in your kit:





6-8 hours overnight

(a) 2 x 40 minutes/day

1 x 40 minutes/day




(b) 1 x 90 minutes/day

7. After treatment, remove tray. Rinse tray and mouth with lukewarm water to avoid sensitivity.

8. Brush teeth. Repeat the procedure for about 5 - 10 nights/days depending in the level of whiteness you want to achieve.

The BriteSmile Whitening System

The BriteSmile Whitening System
BriteSmile has revolutionized tooth whitening with state-of-the-art technology that is safe and effective. BriteSmile is gentle. There's no laser, no heat, and no scraping. Our whitening system uses only two simple elements: gel and light.
The BriteSmile Light
The patented BriteSmile light is not a laser. It's a specially designed lamp that shines a gentle, blue light on your teeth. It works in tandem with our proprietary whitening gel to accelerate the whitening process. This light has been clinically proven safe for tooth enamel as well as skin, gums, and other soft tissues. It emits virtually no heat and no harmful UV (ultraviolet) light. Our lamps are uniquely shaped to illuminate and whiten all "smile line" teeth (top and bottom) at the same time, ensuring natural and uniform results.
The BriteSmile Whitening Gel
The BriteSmile light is used in combination with our patented whitening gel, which has been optimized for patient safety and maximum results. While other whitening gels contain as much as 35%-50% hydrogen peroxide, BriteSmile's proprietary gel contains only 15% peroxide and is buffered at a near-neutral pH value that is compatible with tooth enamel. The gel also contains other ingredients such as glycerin and highly purified water to prevent tooth dehydration and to further ensure safety. The gel is specifically engineered to respond to the blue wavelengths of our light system. When the light illuminates the gel, it activates and safely accelerates the whitening process, achieving amazing results in just one hour.

The BriteSmile teeth-whitening system is protected by numerous patents and therefore only available at BriteSmile whitening spas and the dental offices of trained BriteSmile professionals.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Esthetic Dentistry


A veneer is a thin shell of porcelain or plastic that is bonded to a tooth to improve its color and shape. A veneer generally covers only the front and top of a tooth. Veneers can be used to close spaces between teeth, lengthen small or misshapen teeth, or whiten stained or dark teeth. When teeth are chipped or beginning to wear, veneers can protect them from damage and restore their original appearance.
It takes two or more appointments to restore teeth with veneers. During the first appointment, we shape and roughen the teeth. We then take impressions of your teeth, which we use to make precise working models of your mouth. It's on these models that we artistically craft veneers to fit the prepared teeth.
During the second appointment we clean and polish the prepared teeth. Then we use an adhesive to bond the veneers to the teeth. A harmless, high-intensity light hardens the adhesive. Once in place, veneers virtually become part of the teeth. You can use them like you would your own teeth, because the bond is extremely strong. The final result is beautiful and natural looking teeth.

Esthetic Dentistry

 Home Whitening
Over time, your teeth darken as minerals penetrate their outer enamel layer. This darkening can be caused by foods and beverages that stain, such as coffee, colas, tea, red wine or berries. Tobacco products, like cigarettes, cigars and chewing tobacco, can cause teeth to take on a yellowish brown hue. And the natural aging process can also cause your teeth to darken.
We can prescribe a home whitening system that will safely lighten these stains, giving you a whiter, brighter smile! A specially formulated whitening gel, designed to be highly effective, yet safe, gently forces oxygen through the enamel of your teeth. The process virtually erases stains and brightens your teeth, without damaging your tooth enamel or your gums.
the whitening process; this is normal, and should subside shortly. Wecan suggest toothpaste that will alleviate the sensitivity
and red wine, or brush or rinse with water after consuming them.
* See us periodically for touch-ups to remove new stains.
First, we thoroughly examine your teeth and your mouth to make sure at-home whitening is an appropriate option for you. We then take impressions of your teeth, and use the impressions to make models of your teeth. Using these models, we make a personalized whitening tray that fits tightly over your teeth, allowing us to achieve optimum results.
At home, you'll fill the tray with the whitening gel and place the tray over your teeth, keeping it in place for several hours each day. You can wear the whitening trays while you sleep, or if you prefer, you can wear them as you go about your day. Typically, you'll begin to see results in two to three weeks.
We'll monitor your progress on a regular basis, ensuring that your gums aren't becoming irritated and your teeth are whitening as desired. When the process is complete, your smile will be noticeably whiter and brighter!

Esthetic Dentistry

It used to be that we primarily used silver amalgam to restore damaged or decayed portions of your teeth. Unfortunately, amalgam fillings can be unsightly, and in the long run, they are usually not the best, most cost-effective solution.
Amalgam fillings can expand with age or undergo metal fatigue and break down, losing their seal and allowing decay to develop on the tooth underneath. Also, amalgam fillings can fracture as they age, which breaks the protective seal and can lead to decay. They can also weaken your tooth and make it more vulnerable to breakage; a cracked or broken tooth often requires a crown. Additionally, the metal in amalgam fillings can cause unsightly dark gray stains on the teeth and gums. Fortunately, we have a more attractive, more conservative option called resin onlays.
There are many advantages to restoring teeth with resin onlays. Because they are bonded tightly to the natural tooth structure, resin onlays can restore your teeth to nearly their original strength. We can remove less of your natural tooth when we place a resin onlay, so it remains stronger and less likely to crack or break. This means it will be less likely that your tooth will require a crown in the future.
Resin onlays are healthier for your gums, since their tooth-colored margins allow us to place them above the gumline. Because they often contain fluoride, resin onlays may also prevent new decay at the edges of the fillings. And resin onlays don't just offer health benefits -- they also look great! We closely match the color of the resin to the color of your teeth, so the onlays blend in beautifully and can really brighten your smile.

Esthetic Dentistry

It used to be that we primarily used silver amalgam to restore damaged or decayed portions of your teeth. Unfortunately, amalgam fillings can be unsightly, and in the long run, they are usually not the best, most cost-effective solution.
Amalgam fillings can expand with age or undergo metal fatigue and break down, losing their seal and allowing decay to develop on the tooth underneath. Also, amalgam fillings can fracture as they age, which breaks the protective seal and can lead to decay. They can also weaken your tooth and make it more vulnerable to breakage; a cracked or broken tooth often requires a crown. Additionally, the metal in amalgam fillings can cause unsightly dark gray stains on the teeth and gums. Fortunately, we have a more attractive, more conservative option called resin onlays.
There are many advantages to restoring teeth with resin onlays. Because they are bonded tightly to the natural tooth structure, resin onlays can restore your teeth to nearly their original strength. We can remove less of your natural tooth when we place a resin onlay, so it remains stronger and less likely to crack or break. This means it will be less likely that your tooth will require a crown in the future.
Resin onlays are healthier for your gums, since their tooth-colored margins allow us to place them above the gumline. Because they often contain fluoride, resin onlays may also prevent new decay at the edges of the fillings. And resin onlays don't just offer health benefits -- they also look great! We closely match the color of the resin to the color of your teeth, so the onlays blend in beautifully and can really brighten your smile.

Esthetic Dentistry

A tooth-colored bridge may be made of both porcelain and metal, or, thanks to newly available technology, it may be made entirely of porcelain.
Recent breakthroughs in adhesives, combined with the development of stronger porcelain materials, allow us to make bridges entirely out of porcelain. All-porcelain bridges maintain a translucency that makes them hard to tell from natural teeth. Without metal, the problem of a dark line at the edge of the gums is eliminated. This allows us to place the edge of the bridge above the gumline, and that's healthier for your teeth and gums.
When you want to improve your smile, all-porcelain bridges are a beautiful and natural looking choice.
Bridges In the past, porcelain bridges were always built upon a metal core. That was the only way they could have enough strength to withstand the tremendous biting forces that are exerted on all of your teeth. That metal core is what creates the dark blue line at the edge of many bridges.

Esthetic Dentistry


With bonding, we can close spaces between teeth, lengthen small or misshapen teeth, or whiten stained or dark teeth. We can shape and color a single tooth, or improve your entire smile. When teeth are chipped or beginning to wear, bonding can protect them from damage and restore their original looks.
Placing the tooth-colored bonding material Bonding your teeth with a material called resin requires just one appointment. First, we roughen and prepare the teeth and apply a conditioning gel. Then we place the resin, sculpt it to the desired shape, and harden it with a harmless, high-intensity light.
Once in place, bonded restorations are very strong. Bonding can drastically improve your smile -- the final result is beautiful and natural looking teeth.

Esthetic Dentistry

Esthetic Dentistry


White Fillings

Until recently, silver amalgam was the material most often used to restore decayed portions of your teeth, especially back teeth. Unfortunately, silver fillings can really darken a smile, and amalgam, by its very nature, can cause damage to your tooth in the long run.
Amalgam fillings absorb mosture and expand and contract with heat and cold. So, as the filling ages, it can fracture your tooth; we'll then need to place a crown on your tooth to save it. Also, silver fillings often undergo metal fatigue, corroding and leaking over time. This destroys the protective seal of the filling and allows new decay to develop underneath it. This leakage can give a gray appearance to the entire tooth.
Dental research has resulted in the development of new tooth-colored materials that are not only durable and long lasting, but attractive as well. These materials, porcelain and composite resin, provide an attractive, natural look while at the same time restoring strength and durability to your tooth.
Both porcelain and composite resin are bonded directly to the tooth, restoring it to near its original strength and function. Both can be custom-colored to precisely match your teeth, so when porcelain or resin fillings are placed, they're extremely natural looking. This can really make a difference in your appearance, especially if the restoration is visible when you smile.
When we place an amalgam filling, we have to remove extra healthy tooth structure, just so the filling will stay in place. When we restore your tooth with composite resin, we only need to remove the decayed portion, because the bond anchors the material tightly in place. This means you retain more healthy tooth structure.
Also, because white fillings are bonded to your tooth, they add strength to the tooth.
So if you're looking for an attractive and effective option for restoring one or more decayed teeth, be sure to ask us about the latest choices in white restorative materials.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

1-Visit Crowns

1-Visit Crowns

When most people think of getting crowns for their teeth, they think of a time consuming process that is messy and expensive.
At Smile in the City, we offer one-visit crowns, allowing our patients to have final, porcelain crowns completed for them in just a single visit.
Smile in the City uses cutting-edge digital technology to diagnose periodontal conditions and develop implants. With the use of our in-office Cerec machine, which uses digital imaging technology to capture an image of the teeth and gums, eliminating the need for messy impressions or temporary crowns. You can even preview your tooth on our modeling system.
This allows us to create full porcelain (metal-free) crowns in less than an hour. Most dentists, by comparison, have to wait for a separate lab to construct your crown (who can do so imprecisely) and ship it to your dentist (which can take weeks).
Dr. Schmidt, our certified prosthodontist and cosmetic dental specialist, custom fits your crowns to fit the shape, size, contour, and bite of your mouth.
With Smile in the City’s one-visit crowns, you get long-lasting, beautiful crowns faster, cleaner, and customized to fit your smile.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Tooth Brushing Techniques for teeth using a Hand brush or an Electric Toothbrush with Flossing too !

Efficient tooth brushing and flossing are essential if we are to clean our teeth from food and sticky plaque bacteria, that leads to tooth decay and gum diseases. Most people have not been taught how to use a toothbrush properly! Indeed, most people are still using their own methods learnt as a child !Read below to learn how you can brush your teeth WITHOUT causing damage or missing vital areas to clean. It's never too late to improve your toothbrushing (and gum-brushing gently) and flossing techniques !!!
Sometimes teeth are tight together or crowded that additional Flossing between teeth is needed to prevent decay/gum diseases too. There are also some good food tips at the end, when you cannot avoid lots of sugar attacks on a particular day/event!

A hand held tooth brush can be just as good as an Electric Tooth Brush if used well, but for most an Electric Tooth Brush is quicker, reaches difficult areas at the back of the mouth easier and polishes teeth better too.

ToothBrushing Technique touches gums too
ToothBrushing Technique touches gums too

Proper tooth brushing involves four things:

1. A soft-medium toothbrush with a smaller sized head Copied from © 2000-2010 Smile Specialist® & Tony©
2. Toothpaste with fluoride (pea-sized amount only!)
3. The correct brushing angle, bristles aimed up/down at gums
4. Brushing in a regular pattern, gentle vibration, NOT scrubbing

It's important to brush two or three times a day using a softer toothbrush. The flexible bristles of a soft toothbrush are gentler on the gums, and make it much easier to remove the plaque below the gumline, where periodontal (gum) disease starts and the bacteria in plaque hide.ied from © 2000-2010 Smile Specialist® &
Fluoride hardens the outer enamel layer of the teeth, so use a toothpaste that contains fluoride, because it can stop a cavity in its tracks and give you more protection against future cavities.
Angle the bristles of the toothbrush along the gumline at a 45-degree angle and move back and forth in short strokes, cleaning two teeth at a time - again NO scrubbing or Sawing sideways or up and down, you clean a couple of teeth first for 5 seconds, then the next couple of teeth and so one. This is both gentle AND efficiently cleans, but without wearing or damaging the gums and teeth!
If you have to scrub out of bad habit, then go scrub the toilet or your floors, but NOT your teeth and soft gums, otherwise you could cause gums recession and even wear grooves into your teeth, which when we are trying to preserve teeth & gums, would be a little ironic, wouldn't it?
Get a new routine going, perhaps starting top left or top right, work your way around the outsides of the upper teeth, then the insides of the upper teeth, then the biting surfaces - do the same system for the lower teeth and then for good measure, brush the back teeth again because most people clean the back teeth worse than the front ones!

Electric tooth brushing techniques:

Please remember that there is ALWAYS a balance between cleaning enough to remove plaque bacteria, but not over cleaning and wearing the gums away - this is especially important when you use a more powerful Electric Toothbrush !

Electric toothbrushes Clean well, but careful not to wear away the
Electric toothbrushes Clean well, but careful not to wear away the gums!

Using an Electric toothbrush is a different technique, usually just brushing ONE tooth at a time, pressing it "on and off" 3 times whilst it is rotating/vibrating, then going to the next tooth etc - this may sound laborious, but actually dabbing it on/off 3 times then moving on, prevents too much wear/scrubbing and massages/polishes the teeth just right. Of course one still has to do all the outsides, then insides, then biting surfaces of the teeth, so having a system of doing the upper insides first, then the lowers, is still required.

PROBLEMS commonly seen with bad ToothBrushing Techniques!
Generally, people continue with the brushing pattern that they taught themselves in childhood. Often, this means it isn't as good as it could be, or even teeth are brushed too hard in some areas, actually causing abrasion groove cavities and sensitivity!
Changing old habits (Dental or otherwise) is never easy, but if a big change is made (such as swapping to an electric toothbrush), then one can achieve the benefits of those changes easier.
Now if you are feeling like getting a gold star at your Dentist for the cleanest teeth ever, you could also try Flossing once a day too, usually at night before bedtime, to reach the bacteria and plaque that forms between teeth that are tight together, or even using stiffer-floss like "Super-Floss" to reach under bridges or dental work that is splinted together. Other forms of floss, apart from say 50metres on a reel to hold between fingers, are floss holders such as Oral B "flossettes", where the floss is already stretched out for ease of use between back teeth too.

FOOD and DRINK TIPS to reduce SUGAR ATTACK damage and Decay !

Last but not least, remember that whilst daily brushing and flossing bacteria and plaque away that cause cavities and gum diseases is important, our diets contribute greatly to bacteria and plaque growth, so reducing the FREQUENCY of sugars (hidden and obvious) in what we eat and drink, is very important too.

If you are peckish between meals, consider fruit as a good substitute to biscuits, chocolates or other sugary snacks between meals, which will also help your generl health and contribute to your 5-a-day healthy options too.
Choose Fruit for in-between meal snacks = healthier choice!
Choose Fruit for in-between meal snacks = healthier choice
Additionally, if you can, don't have sugar in Tea and Coffee, use sweeteners or drink diet or sugar -free or low-sugar drinks and again don't snack between meals on biscuits, chocolates, cakes or other high sugar, sticky foods that stay on your teeth, rotting them all day !!! Saving sweet things for after a normal meal (as the pudding) is the safest strategy if you really can't give-up your sweet treats. Having sweet things just after an ordinary meal works because ordinary food is coating your teeth, making it harder for stick sugary foods to stick onto your teeth for a long time, thus doing damage for a long time. Snacks between meals can then be fruits (very low sugar and not sticky) or vegetables or chewing gum or even savoury snacks like nuts and crisps, but watch the calories and the salt so this isn't excessive too.Copied from © 2000-2010 Smile Specialist® & Tony©
Cheese and Dairy Products can neutralise sugar tooth attacks!
Cheese and Dairy Products can neutralise sugar tooth attacks!

If you know you are going to have a day with lots of sugar attacks in it (Christmas, Wedding, Birthday, other party/festival etc.) then a Hot-Tip is to have a piece of cheese BEFORE any sugar attacks - even a small cube on a stick, chewed up into many pieces and spread around the teeth, will protect the teeth quite well from sugar attacks and stop sweet foods sticking to the teeth, so it all gets swallowed - this is useful to know for Adults and Children and I always insist my kids eat some cheese first when at any parties etc - they don't mind one bit doing this and cheese comes in many types and presentations, including cheese strings for kids !! This is NOT instead of the usual diet and oral hygiene brushing advice, but just an extra strategy that is realistic and practical for those occasions when one simply cannot easily avoid a high number of sugar attacks on one's teeth.
DISCLOSING TABLETS to check PLAQUE removal done well:
Last but not least, you can check your Tooth Brushing efficiency by using Disclosing Tablets = a vegatable dye that stains hard-to-see tooth-coloured plaque blue/purple. These can be purchased at any major chemist/pharmacist and are chewed up well AFTER toothbrushing, to see if any areas missed without realising it. This then alerts you where you could be cleaning away the sticky bacterial plaque better and thus prevent future problems, see pictures below:
Clockwise pictures show missed bacterial plaque to brush away
Clockwise pictures show missed bacterial plaque to brush away
After chewing up the disclosing tablet and licking it all over the teeth (you can buy these from most Chemists/Pharmacies), the darker shades reveal where you have missed the older bacterial plaque regularly - this is often at the gum-line or between teeth, so you can then brush it off and spend longer brushing/flossing these areas as needed every time, checking yourself the next evening to make sure you are doing it better. Remember though that these vegetable dyes still stain lips and tongue for several hours before wearing away naturally, so best do before bedtime, unless it's Halloween of course!

Smile Specialist for Dental Tooth Implants, Crowns, Veneers, Bridges, precision Dentures and cosmetic dentistry. - SmileSpecialist

Smile Specialist for Dental Tooth Implants, Crowns, Veneers, Bridges, precision Dentures and cosmetic dentistry. - SmileSpecialist