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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Clean teeth reduce pneumonia risk

Brushing our teeth properly and regularly is known to prevent gum disease, but a new study led by an Indian origin scientist says it can also potentially reduce the risk of pneumonia.

Scientists from the Yale University School of Medicine found changes in mouth bacteria preceded the development of the inflammatory lung condition in hospital patients.

The team followed 37 subjects over a month. They found patients on ventilators who developed pneumonia had experienced a significant shift in the 'bacterial composition' in their mouths beforehand.

"Our findings may improve the way we prevent pneumonia in the future by maintaining the bacteria which live within our mouths," the Daily Mail quoted lead author Dr Samit Joshi as telling ELS Global Medical News.

Although further research is required, the British Dental Foundation said the latest study is not the first to associate poor oral health with respiratory diseases.

Bacterial chest infections are thought to be caused by breathing in fine droplets from the throat and mouth into the lungs and earlier studies suggested people were more likely to die from pneumonia if they had higher numbers of deep gum pockets.

Nigel Carter, chief executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, said the latest research backed their findings that looking after your teeth boost your overall health.

"During the winter months we're all susceptible to colds, coughs and chesty viruses due to the drop in temperature," said Dr Carter.

"What people must remember, particularly those highlighted as vulnerable, is that prevention can be very basic. Systemic links between gum disease and overall health have been well documented, and at this time of year keeping up good oral health can really help stave off illness," he stated.

He added that dentists recommended brushing teeth for two minutes twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste, cleaning in between teeth daily with interdental brushes or floss and avoiding sugary foods.

Dr Johsi''s research was presented at the Infectious Diseases Society of America annual meeting in Boston.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.............

According to the latest statistics from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), 99.7% of all Americans believe a smile is an important social asset and 74% believe an unattractive smile could potentially harm a person's chances for career success. Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist Dr. Kevin Sands says he sees an increase in patients seeking a healthier, more radiant smile with the dawn of a new year. Dr. Sands discusses the use of smile makeover procedures such as porcelain veneers and Invisalign® to boost confidence and revitalize dental appearance.
Beverly Hills, CA (PRWEB) December 28, 2011
The latest report from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) shows that Americans place significant value on a person's smile, with 99.7% of the population believing it to be an important social asset. The study also reveals that nearly three-quarters (74%) of Americans feel an unattractive smile could hurt their career success. At his Beverly Hills cosmetic dentistry practice, Dr. Kevin Sands says many patients are often more aware of their appearance during the holidays and new year because of the number of social gatherings and the chance to start fresh for the beginning of a new year. He adds that cosmetic procedures at his practice increase in demand on the cusp of the new year as patients seek to enhance their features and improve their smile through teeth whitening or other aesthetic enhancements.
Dr. Sands says popular procedures during this time of year include Invisalign®, porcelain veneers, and teeth whitening, which is expected to be the most popular office procedure in 2011 by a majority of AACD member statistics, according to the latest poll. Through cosmetic dental procedures, Dr. Sands says patients can take action to improve their appearance and correct imperfections that may be draining one's self-confidence and impairing his or her outlook on life. "Whether patients undergo a teeth whitening procedure, or decide on porcelain veneers, the improved smile can greatly improve their confidence."
Because it combines proven aesthetic procedures, Dr. Sands says a smile makeover can give patients a comprehensive and complete redesign of their smile, particularly for those who suffer from misalignment, discoloring, chips, cracks, or gaps in their teeth. He adds that in the wake of the coming new year, patients at his practice are taking advantage of the benefits of a smile makeover to offer them a chance to start the year with a new outlook on life.
Regardless of when patients choose to undergo a procedure, Dr. Sands says selecting a practice with a personalized dedication to each patient is crucial for receiving the best results. He also stresses the importance of choosing a qualified and experienced dentist in order to achieve the highest quality cosmetic enhancement.
About Kevin B. Sands, DDS
Dr. Kevin Sands received his dental degree from the University of Southern California School of Dentistry and trained at the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies for Advanced Anterior Aesthetic Dentistry. He is a member of the California State Dental Association, the Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and the American Dental Association. Dr. Sands has been featured on several television makeover programs such as E!'s Dr. 90210, TLC's 10 Year's Younger, and Style Network's 2nd Look. He is a popular dentist in the celebrity community, having performed cosmetic procedures on patients including Charlie Sheen, Amy Smart, Taylor Swift, and Britney Spears.
Located at 414 North Camden Drive, Suite 940 in Beverly Hills, CA, Dr. Sands' practice can be reached at (310) 707-1288 or online via the website beverlyhillscosmeticdentist.com or www.facebook.com/cosmeticdentistbeverlyhills.

For the original version on PRWeb visit: www.prweb.com/releases/prwebsmile-makeover/beverly-hills-ca/prweb9066113.htm

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Smile designing principles .

Smile designing principles .
Horizontal Symmetry:
Draw an imaginary horizontal line through the centre of both your pupils and another horizontal line between the tips of your canine teeth. Ideally, these two horizontal lines should be parallel. Often, one side slopes down.
Vertical Symmetry:
Draw an imaginary vertical line through the centre of your face. This mid-line should run through the centre of your eyes, nose and chin. Ideally, the mid-line should also run through your two central incisors thus making the central incisors a mirror image of each other.
Smile Width:
Ideally, a wide smile will show your first molar to first molar tooth. Although if you have a narrow smile you may only see the front six teeth from canine to canine.
Smile Line:
Draw an imaginary curve along the bottom of your upper teeth and compare it to an imaginary curve of your lower lip. Ideally, your smile should be curved in order to look younger.
Gum Line:
Draw an imaginary curve along the top of your upper teeth. Ideally, only the pink triangular parts of g um between the teeth show. However, some people show a lot more gum or the gum that shows is uneven giving an irregular gum line.
The Golden Proportion:
This special proportion was discovered by the Greeks and is found in many areas of nature. Ideally, the widths of each of the front teeth compared to the next follows this special proportion.
Tooth Proportion:
Ideally the width of a tooth should be approximately 80% of the length. However for patients those wear/grind their teeth, this ration is closer to 1:1 as the teeth have shortened and become squarer. This is a way to measure exactly how much tooth has been lost over the years and is often used to rebuild edges of teeth to their ideal proportions and perfect smile.
Embrasure Space:
These are the little triangular like spaces between the tips of the front teeth. Without embrasure spaces, the teeth would look like flat piano keys with no character to them. Ideally, the embrasure spaces should be smallest between the two central incisors and gradually become larger as you examine teeth further into the mouth. An ideal feminine smile tends to have more definite round embrasures.

Dental Crowns Q&A Is The Focus Of New Shelby Township, Michigan Dentists Website

Dental Crowns Q&A Is The Focus Of New Shelby Township, Michigan Dentists Website

Monday, December 19, 2011

Nanotechnology in dentistry

Science is undergoing yet another change, in helping mankind enter a new era, the era of nanotechnology. "Nano" is derived from the Greek word for 'dwarf. Nanotechnology is the science of manipulating matter measured in the billionths of meters or manometer, roughly the size of 2 or 3 atoms

In the literature, both a fairly broad as well as a rather narrow concept of nanotechnology are employed .
  The first signifies any technology smaller than microtechnology. In contrast, the latter stands for the technology to program and manipulate matter with molecular precision and to scale it to 3-D products of arbitrary size.

The basic idea of nanotechnology, used in the narrow sense of the world, is to employ individual atoms and molecules to construct functional structures.


The late Nobel prize winning physicist Richard P. Feynman in 1959 speculated the potential of nanosize devices as early as 1959. In his historic lecture in 1959, he concluded saying, "this is a development which I think cannot be avoided."

3 steps to achieving nanotechnology-produced goods

  1. Scientists must be able to manipulate individual atoms.
  2. Next step is to develop nanoscopic machines, called assemblers, that can be programmed to manipulate atoms and molecules at will.
  3. Inorder to create enough assemblers to build consumer goods, some nanomachines called replicators, will be programmed to build more assemblers.

Assemblers and replicators will work together like hands, to automatically construct products.

State of the fie Id at present

Current research is not exclusively focused on achieving assemblers. Instead, research is directed towards the production of a wide array of different minuscule structures. The fabrication techniques of these structures can be divided into 2 approaches: "top- down" and "bottom­-up".

The 'top-down' techniques that are used to manufacture nanoscale structures are mostly extensions of methods already employed in small-scale assembly at the micron scale. By further miniaturization, the nanodimension is entered . 'Bottom-up' fabrication methods for manufacture are the methods used for producing nanoscale structures

The various nanostructures are

  1. Nanopores
  2. Nanotubes
  3. Quantumdots
  4. Nanoshells
  5. Dendrimers


Nanodentistry will make possible the maintenance of near-perfect oral health through the use of nanornaterials, biotechnology including tissue engineering and nanorobotics. Oral health and disease trends may change the focus on specific diagnostic and treatment modalities.

Nanodentistry as bottom-up approach

1. Local anaesthesia

In the era of nanodentistry a colliodal suspension containing millions of active analgesic micron-size dental robots will be instilled on the patient's gingiva. After contacting the surface of crown or mucosa, the ambulating nanorobots reach the pulp via the gingival sulcus, lamina propria and dentinal tubules.

Once installed in the pulp, the analgesic dental robots may be commanded by the dentist to shut down all sensitivity in any particular tooth that requires treatment. After oral procedures are completed, the dentist orders the nanorobots to restore all sensation, to relinquish control of nerve traffic and to egress from the tooth by similar pathways used for ingress.

2. Hypersensitivity cure

Dentin hypersensitivity may be caused by changes in pressure transmitted hydrodynamically to the pulp. This is based on the fact that hypersensitive teeth have 8 times higher surface density of dentinal tubules and tubules with diameters twice as large than nonsensitive teeth. Dental nanorobots could selectively and precisely occlude selected tubules in minutes, using native biological materials, offering patients a quick and permanent cure.

3. Nanorobotic dentifrice [dentifrobots]

Subocclusal dwelling nanorobotic dentifrice delivered by mouthwash or toothpaste could patrol all supragingival and subgingival surfaces atleast once a day, metabolising trapped organic matter into harmless and odorless vapors and performing continuous calculus debridement.

These invisibly small dentifrobots [1-10 micon], crawling at 1-10 microns/sec, would be inexpensive, purely mechanical devices, that would safely desactivate themselves if swallowed and would be programmed with strict occlusal avoidance protocol.

4. Dental durability and cosmetics

Tooth durability and appearance may be improved by replacing upper enamel layers with pure sapphire and diamond which can be made more fracture resistant as nanostructured composites, possibly including embedded carbon nanotubes.

5. Orthodontic treatment

Orthodontic nanorobots could directly manipulate the periodontal tissues, allowing rapid and painless tooth straightening, rotating and vertical repositioning within minutes to hours.

6. Photosensitizers and carriers

Quantum dots can be used as photosensitizers and carriers. They can bind to the antibody present on the surface of the target cell and when stimulated by UV light, they can give rise to reactive oxygen species and thus will be lethal to the target cell.

7. Diagnosis of oral cancer


Convert (bio) chemical to electrical signal


Ultrasensitive mass detection technology:

Picogram (10-12)-bacterium

Femtogram (10-15)-virus

Attogram (10-18)-DNA


Sensing large numbers of different biomolecules simultaneously in real time


  • Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and cancer
  • Detection ofbacteria, fimgi and viruses

8. Treatment of oral cancer


BrachySilTM (Sivida, Australia) delivers 32P, clinical trial

DRUG DELIVERY ACROSS THE BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER / More effective treatment of brain tumours, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's in development


Non-viral gene delivery systems

Nanodentistry as top-down approach

1. Nanocomposites

Nanoproducts Corporation has successfully manufactured nonagglomerated discrete nanoparticles that are homogeneously distributed in resins or coatings to produce nanocomposites. The nanofiller used includes an aluminosilicate powder having a mean particle size of 80 ran and a 1:4 M ratio of alumina to silica and a refractive index of 1.508.


  • Superior hardness
  • Superior flexural strength, modulus of elasticity and translucency
  • 50% reduction in filling shrinkage
  • Excellent handling properties

Trade name: Filtek O Supreme Universal Restorative P Lire Nano O

2. Nanosolution

Nanosolutions produce unique and dispersible nanoparticles, which can be used in bonding agents. This ensures homogeneity and ensures that the adhesive is perfectly mixed everytime.

Trade name: Adper O Single Bond Plus Adhesive Single Bond

3. Impression materials

Nanofillers are integrated in vinylpolysiloxanes, producing a unique addition of siloxane impression materials. The material has better flow, improved hydrophilic properties and enhanced detail precision.

Trade name: Nanotech Elite H-D

4. Nanoencapsulation

SWRI [South West Research Institute] has developed targeted release systems that encompass nanocapsules including novel vaccines, antibiotics and drug delivery with reduced side effects.

At present, targeted delivery of genes and drugs to human liver has been developed by Osaka University in Japan 2003. Engineered Hepatitis B virus envelope L particles were allowed to form hollow nanoparticles displaying a peptide that is indispensable for liver-specific entry by the virus in humans. Future specialized nanoparticles could be engineered to target oral tissues, including cells derived from the periodontium [Yamada et al , 2003]

5. Other products manufactured by SWRI

a. Protective clothing and filtration masks, using antipathogenic nanoemulsions and nanoparticles

b. Medical appendages for instantaneous healing

  • Biodegradable nanofibres - delivery platform for haemostatic
  • Wound dressings with silk nanofibres in development
  • Nanocrystalline silver particles with antimicrobial properties on wound dressings [ ActicoatTM, UK]

c. Bone targeting nanocarriers

Calcium phosphate-based biomaterial has been developed. This bone biomaterial is an easily flowable, moldable paste that conforms to and interdigitates with host bone. It supports growth of cartilage and bone cells.

6. Nanoneedles

Suture needles incorporating nano-sized stainless steel crystals have been developed.

Trade name: Sandvik Bioline, RK 91TM needles [AB Sandvik, Sweden].

Nanotweezers are also under development which will make cell-surgery possible in the near future.

7. Bone replacement materials

Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles used to treat bone defects are

  • Ostim® (Osartis GmbH, Germany) HA
  • VITOSSO (Orthovita, Inc, USA) HA +TCP
  • NanOSSTM (Angstrom Medica, USA) HA

How safe are these nanorobots?

The nonpyrogenicnanorobots used in vivo are bulk teflon, carbon powder and monocrystal sapphire. Pyrogenic nanorobots are alumina, silica and trace elements like copper and zinc.

If inherent nanodevice surface pyrogenicity cannot be avoided, the pyrognic pathway is controlled by invivo medical nanorobots.

Nanorobots may release inhibitors, antagonists or dowmegulators for the pyrognic pathway in a targeted fashion to selectively absorb the endogenous pyrogens, chemically modify them, then release them back into the body in a harmless inactivated form.

Challenges faced by nanodentistry

  • Precise positioning and assembly of molecular scale part
  • Economical nanorobot mass production technique
  • Biocompatibility
  • Simultaneous coordination of activities of large numbers of independent micron-scale robots.
  • Social issues of public acceptance, ethics, regulation and human safety

Problems for research in nanotechnology in India

  • Painfully slow strategic decisions
  • Sub-optimal funding
  • Lack of engagement of private enterprises
  • Problem of retention of trained manpower


Nanotechnology is foreseen to change health care in a fundamental way:
  • Novel methods for disease diagnosis and prevention
  • Therapeutic selection tailored to the patient's profile
  • Drug delivery and gene therapy


It sounds like science fiction, but to treat the merest trace of an oral disease, we dentists will ask the patients to rinse with a solution containing millions of microscopic machines called "nanoassemblers". These minute workers, receiving signals from a computer controlled by the dentist, will swami to the areas of patient's mouth and eliminate the disease and bacteria causing the disease.


1.Kaehler T, Nanotechnology: Basic Concepts and Definitions, Clinical Chemistry, 40[9]: 1797­1799,1994.  Back to cited text no. 1    
2.Gordijn B: Medizinische Utopien. Elite ethische Betrachtung, G6ttingen, Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht,169-180,2004.  Back to cited text no. 2    
3.FeynmanR:There's Plenty ofRoom attheBottom, In: Gilbert HD (Ed.), Miniaturization, New York: Reinhold,282-296,1961.  Back to cited text no. 3    
4.Drexler KE: Nanosystems. Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing and Computation, New York: John Wiley and Sons, 990-998,1992.  Back to cited text no. 4    
5.Bachmann G: Innovationsschub aus dem Nanokosmos, Technologieanalyse. Dbsseldorf: VDI-Technologiezentrum,233-245,1998.  Back to cited text no. 5    
6.Freitas RA Jr: Nanomedicine, Volume I: Basic Capabilities, Georgetown, TX: Landes Bioscience,345-350,1999.  Back to cited text no. 6    
7.Whitesides GM and Love JC: The Art of Building Small, Scientific American, 285[3]: 33-41, 2001.   Back to cited text no. 7    
8.Ashley S: Nanobot Construction Crews, Scientific American, 285[3]: 76-77,2001.  Back to cited text no. 8    
9.Herzog A: Of Genomics, Cyborgs and Nanotechnology: A Look into the Future of Medicine, Connecticut Medicine, 66[1]: 53-54, 2002.  Back to cited text no. 9    
10.Freitas RA Jr: Nanodentistry, Journal of the American Dental Association, 131(11):1559­1565,2000.  Back to cited text no. 10    
11.Jhaver HM and Balaji: Nanotechnology: The future of dentistry, 5:15-17, 2005.  Back to cited text no. 11    
12.Joy B: Why the Future doesn't need us. 804-810, 2000, http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/8.04/ j oy.html  Back to cited text no. 12    
13.Rudra Pratap: Engaging Private Enterprise in Nanotech Research in India: ICS, Trieste, February, 675-680, 2005.  Back to cited text no. 13    

Correspondence Address:
R Vijayalakshmi
Department of Periodontics, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College and Hospital, Alapakkam Main Road, Maduravoyal, Chennai 600 095
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