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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Prevention of Dental Caries 3D Patient Education Video

Prevention of Dental Caries 3D Patient Education Video

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

KIDS MOVIE-Animated video for brushing..


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Calcium phosphate technology in dentistry.......

Calcium phosphate technology products treat demineralization, dental hypersensitivity

Mar 18, 2011
By Terri Tilliss, RDH, BS, MS, MA, PhD

Products utilizing calcium phosphate technology are often administered and recommended to treat both demineralization and dentinal hypersensitivity. This technology was developed over 20 years ago in an ADA-associated research center.
The rationale behind its development was to provide the same minerals found in hydroxyapatite to speed up remineralization in the presence of fluoride. The concept is that by rapidly depositing additional mineral onto the tooth, surface defects would remineralize. It has been extrapolated that these same minerals would also block exposed dentinal tubules and improve dentinal hypersensitivity.
To evaluate whether calcium phosphate containing products can remineralize tooth structure and/or treat dentinal hypersensitivity, it is useful to utilize an evidence-based assessment. The evidence-based process is a systematic approach for reviewing the large volume of health care literature.
This approach integrates: 1) clinically relevant scientific evidence relating to the patient’s oral and medical condition and history, 2) clinical expertise, 3) the patient’s treatment needs and preferences.(1)
With calcium phosphate products, there has been an emphasis on the 2nd and 3rd components of this triad, without enough emphasis on accumulating the best scientific evidence. Most studies that support utilizing these products for caries control have been conducted with animals, had an in-vitro design (laboratory-based), or were conducting utilizing in-situ caries models, and nearly all have looked at remineralization, not desensitization.
These types of research alone do not constitute "best evidence." This term refers to information obtained from randomized and non-randomized controlled clinical trials, cohort studies, case-control studies, crossover studies, cross-sectional studies, case studies, and the consensus opinion of experts in appropriate fields of research or clinical practice.
These types of research still need to be conducted with calcium phosphate products. An additional concern is that many of completed studies have been supported by, promoted by, or conducted by those with a vested interest in the outcomes and commercial products.
Our understanding of plaque biofilm provides a striking example of why in-vivo research is critical. We learned that bacteria function very differently in the laboratory compared to when they live in the oral cavity. Clinical studies elucidated the critical concept of biofilm, a community of bacterial microcolonies, an extracellular slime layer, and fluid channels; this was not fully evident using in-vitro or in-situ models.
Calcium phosphate products have been introduced to the dental profession and marketed to the public for caries control without a body of valid and reliable clinical trials. The products are advertised as beneficial for all patients with caries and sensitivity. However, experts have stated that these products are most likely to provide remineralization benefits for those with poor salivary flow and consequent deficient calcium phosphate levels.(2)
For people with normal salivary flow and composition, there is already adequate calcium and phosphate; adding more does not provide additional benefits. An article reviewing caries management with calcium phosphate agents concurs that patients with salivary hypofunction including low flow, low pH, and poor buffering capacity may benefit from the use of these agents, but that for those with normal saliva, there are already sufficient calcium and phosphate ions present.(3)
Although clinical studies have suggested desensitization benefits of calcium phosphate products (4,5), there is a need for more trials before "best evidence" is available. Experts have explained that remineralization products and the biofilm are linked to both sensitivity problems and solutions,(6) but that the mechanisms involved in remineralization and sensitivity are very different and the outcomes may differ7.
The successful sales of calcium phosphate products been based largely on the 2nd and 3rd parts of the evidence-based triad; however, both clinical expertise and patient preference can be easily biased by the idea or suggestion that a product "should" work.
Evidence-based dentistry requires that scientific evidence be combined with views of the clinician and patients. Additional in-vivo clinical trials are requisite to establish the clinical relevance of this calcium phosphate technology for controlling caries and dentinal sensitivity.
1. American Dental Association Center for Evidence-Based Dentistry. Accessed at ebd.ada.org/about.aspx, 3/8/11.
2. Chow L, Wefel JS. The dynamics of de-and remineralization. Dimensions Dent Hyg 2009; 7(2):42-6.
3. Hurlbutt M. Caries management with calcium phosphate. Dimensions Dent Hyg 2010; 8:40,42,44-46.
4. Tung Ms, Eichmiller FX. Dental applications of amorphous calcium phosphates. J Clin Dent 1999; 10 (special number):1-6.
5. Giniger M, Macdonald J, Siemba S, Felix H. The clinical performance of professionally dispensed bleaching gel with added amorphous calcium phosphate. JADA 2005; 136:383-391.
6. Wolff MS. Dentin hypersensitivity, the biofilm, and remineralization: what is the connection? Adv Dent Res 2009; 21:21-24.
7. Pitts NB, Wefel JS. Remineralization/desensitization: What is known? What is in the future? Adv Dent Res 2009; 21:83-86.
Schematic is from The ADA Center for Evidence-Based Dentistry. Accessed at: ebd.ada.org/About.aspx, 3/9/11

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Snap on Smile..........Got Questions............

About the Product
  1. Does the Snap-On Smile procedure hurt?
The procedure is completely painless. All the dentist needs to do is take an impression of your teeth. It requires no shots, no drilling and no removal of your natural tooth structure.

  2. Will Snap-On Smile affect my speech?

There will be a temporary adjustment period as you get used to having something new in your mouth. This is very common and most people report that their speech is back to normal within 2 weeks. Wearing the Snap-On Smile all day will allow you to return to your normal speech much quicker.

3.Will wearing Snap-On Smile damage my natural teeth?

Snap-On Smile will not damage your natural teeth. Simply follow the use and care instructions

 4.Will Snap-On Smile stain?
  Snap-On Smile does not stain easily, but just like your natural teeth, certain products such as coffee,  wine or soda can cause staining. Your Snap-On Smile comes with a cleaning kit to help you maintain its wonderful appearance

5.Do I need special cleaners or toothpaste?
There is a cleaning solution for your Snap-On Smile included when you first receive your Snap-On Smile. Refills are available through your dentist and instructions are printed on the back of the bottle.

6.Can I chew gum while wearing Snap-On Smile?
It is not recommended that you chew gum or eat sticky foods with your Snap-On Smile, however you can eat and drink most food and beverages with it in as you normally would.

7.How many teeth does Snap-On Smile cover?
8.Does Snap-On Smile only cover my front teeth, both top and bottom?
      Snap-On Smile is designed to cover your entire upper arch or bottom arch.
      You will work   with your dentist to finalize the best smile make-over for you.

9.Is Snap-On Smile like wearing dentures?
Snap-On Smile is removable and simply snaps in and snaps out. It is held in place by your natural teeth and does not require adhesives or glue, of any kind.
     10.Is there an age requirement for Snap-On Smile?
People of all ages are using Snap-on Smile. If you are concerned about age requirements, please discuss this with your dentist.

11.How do I take care of Snap-On Smile?
A special cleaning solution is supplied when you first receive your Snap-On Smile. Refills are available and can be reordered through your Snap-On Smile dentist.

12.Will I need to get replacements for my Snap-On Smile?
The Snap-On Smile appliance is expected to last several years with proper care. This is the same length of time as other removable appliances such as partial dentures, brux guards, or night guards.

13.I have sensitive teeth. Will Snap-On Smile work for me?

14.I have missing teeth. Will Snap-On Smile work for me?
Snap-On Smile is an ideal solution for people with missing teeth. Only a dentist can determine if Snap-On Smile will work for your specific case.

15  Will my insurance cover Snap-On Smile?
Snap-On Smile is for cosmetic/esthetic application. Generally, cosmetic/aesthetic dental appliances are not covered by dental insurance. You may want to discuss your insurance policy with your dentist and insurance provider.

Snap on Smile....Get started......

Snap-On Smile
Start experiencing the life-changing benefits of Snap-On Smile with this easy 3-step process.

Snap-On Smile
Use our convenient Dentist Locator to find the Snap-On Smile dentist closest to you!
• You pick the style and shade of your new smile.
• Your dentist takes an impression of your teeth if you are a candidate.
• You come back in about 3 weeks for a final fitting and you wear your Snap-On Smile home
Snap-On Smile Cleaning Supplies, including both the Cleaning Solution and the Anti-Bacterial Gel are no longer available for purchase direct to consumer. Please contact your Snap-On Smile dentist, as you are able to purchase these Cleaning Supplies exclusively through your dentist.

SNAP ON SMILE.......................

What is Snap-On Smile?
Snap-On Smile is a patented, easy and painless way to obtain a beautiful smile. It was invented by a dentist who realized that not everyone can afford thousands of dollars to get a Hollywood smile make-over. After years of extensive research and development, your dentist can now provide you with a Snap-On Smile that is thin and strong with the look of natural teeth. You can eat and drink with your Snap-On Smile. It’s easy to care for and can be a temporary or permanent cosmetic solution. It’s available for upper and lower teeth.

Snap-On Smile’s unique, proprietary formula of hi-tech dental resin make it very thin yet extremely strong. It fits right over your own teeth to give you a beautiful, natural looking smile—even if you have stains, chips, gaps or missing teeth.

And for many people, Snap-On Smile can be life changing. It gives back the confidence to smile. Thousands of people worldwide have already experienced the unique benefits of Snap-On Smile.

Snap-On Smile is for just about everyone!
Snap-On Smile is an affordable and life-changing solution for people of all ages. Getting a Snap-On Smile simply requires two, short, painless visits with no drilling, no shots and no change in tooth structure.

It is an excellent choice for:
• Gaps, crooked, stained or missing teeth
• Those who are not candidates for bridges or implants
• Anyone who would like a Hollywood smile without the expense and discomfort of complex and invasive dental procedures
• Anyone who has an old-fashioned removable partial denture and wants a beautiful, more comfortable alternative

It’s easy, it’s painless and you can start today
1. You pick the style and shade of your new smile
2. Your dentist takes an impression of your teeth
3. You come back in about three weeks for a final fitting and you wear your Snap-On Smile home

How long will my Snap-On Smile last?
Snap-On Smile comes with a 12 month limited warranty against manufacturing defects. Click here for full warranty terms. With proper care, your Snap-On Smile can last from 3 to 5 years. Just follow the Snap-On Smile dentist’s cleaning instructions and you’ll enjoy millions of smiles with Snap-On Smile..